Do Diet Pills Burn Existing Fats

Do Diet Pills Burn Existing Fats

E laine Gormley was desperate when she turned to slimming pills. She had been obese since childhood, but lost a significant amount of weight by going to Slimming World classes in her early 20s. But by 2012, following a breakup and an operation, the 29-year-old from Belleek in County Fermanagh had gained all 10 stone 6lb of it back. She now weighed 21 stone 5lb.

"I lost my focus. I felt I was unloved," she says. "A friend said to me that his sister had tried these pills called Dexaprine. She got them on the internet. I said I would give them a go. I heard she was getting massive results."

Having ordered the pills from Amazon, she started having unpleasant side effects almost immediately. "Within minutes I was beginning to get really, really hot sweats," she says. "I wasn't even moving, and the sweat was lashing off me. But at the same time I felt really cold, and my heart was beginning to beat so hard. By the time I got to work, my hands were shaking."

She tolerated the side effects for three days, weighing herself on the third day. She had lost 8lb. "I thought, 'This is the miracle that I have been waiting for.' But then on the fourth day, I took the tablet and my chest started to really ache. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I had no choice but to stick my fingers down my throat to force myself to be sick – to get the tablet out."

Gormley told her mother, who threw the pills away. She was lucky. Dexaprine is a potent thermogenic fat-burning dietary supplement, which has since been banned in the UK and the Netherlands. It contains the amphetamine derivative DMAA (1,3-dimethylamylamine), which has been linked to psychiatric disorders, heart attacks and strokes. In 2012, it was implicated in the death of 30-year-old London marathon runner Claire Squires, who collapsed a mile from the finish line. In 2014, Dutch scientists announced that they had found a "cocktail of synthetic stimulants" in the supplement.

When it comes to losing weight, most of us know the only real way to do it is a sustained period of healthy eating and exercise, requiring hard work and patience. But every year, thousands of people buy illegal slimming pills on the internet, enticed by miracle claims of rapid weight loss. One in three slimmers have purchased pills online, according to the joint #FakeMeds survey by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and Slimming World. "You just don't know what you are putting in your body," warns Danny Lee-Frost, head of enforcement at the MHRA. Many slimming pills have an amphetamine-like effect, and will increase your heart rate. "If there's a weakness in your heart, you're in trouble. If you don't know about it, you will once you start taking them."

The desperation to lose weight can cause otherwise sensible people to be reckless: four out of 10 survey respondents said they used slimming pills knowing there were health risks. Others are taken in by slick websites and promises of "natural" ingredients.

This is what happened to Sue Golder, 51, a hairdresser from Hatfield in Hertfordshire. She had been overweight when she was young, later compounded by three pregnancies and a hectic family life, but it was only after she lost her husband that she felt compelled to do something drastic. "Everything I read and saw on TV said obesity was linked to every cancer you could imagine. It frightened me into thinking, 'You've got to do something, you've only got yourself here for the kids now," she says.

"I'd been to my doctors. I had sat in tears and asked for help. They had been helpful, just said, 'You need to exercise more and eat less,' but it wasn't the quick fix that I wanted. I Googled "diet pills", and loads of sites came up. And the one that I was drawn to showed a doctor with a stethoscope around his neck. I thought, 'That might be all right.' I didn't know that people could set up all these fake websites. I looked through it and there was this questionnaire. It looked official. It was so easy to order them on my credit card."

Golder took the pills for three weeks before a terrifying episode made her stop. "I was here on my own – the children were all at school. I just felt awful – it came over me like a wave. I thought I was going to be sick. My legs were shaking, I could see all these silver dots flying around my head and I was thinking, 'Oh my God, I'm going to die. My kids are going to find me dead on the floor.'"

The pills that Golder took were Reductil, which contained the now-prohibited substance sibutramine. In 2010 a large clinical trial, the Sibutramine Cardiovascular Outcomes study, found that the cardiovascular risks of sibutramine outweighed its benefits. Although banned throughout the EU, it is still available widely online, and there have been numerous reports of disturbing side effects. In 2012 an Irish teenager developed ischaemic colitis, a severe swelling of blood vessels supplying the intestines, after taking pills containing the substance.

Sibutramine poses a serious threat, Lee-Frost says. "Reductil was a big blockbuster, sold all over the world. Very popular, and then reports came in of unforeseen incidents. Strokes and heart attacks. Eventually it was pulled. You will still find [sibutramine] on the internet, being churned out. It comes out of factories in China. It shouldn't be sold – it's an unlicensed product."

He explains that, although some pills will openly contain sibutramine – an infamous version coming out of China has a blister pack in the shape of a woman's hourglass figure and lists sibutramine as an ingredient – others don't mention it at all. "You have pills, capsules and tablets that say they are natural, safe, herbal. But when we have them analysed they contain more sibutramine than the original withdrawn Reductil did." Aduki diet pills, which claim to be completely natural, are one dangerous example. More than 28,000 of them were seized in a Manchester raid in 2016.

Man standing with bushes around him
Josh Hewitt: 'You see girls saying they suffer from body confidence issues, but as a guy you bottle it in.' Photograph: Rob Durston/The Guardian

Lee-Frost says Instagram influencers are compounding the problem by promoting their own toned bodies and aspirational lifestyles, and the diet pills to go with them. Instead of glossy magazines, now it is "real people" who are telling us that we all have the potential to look like models (though they all have retouching apps on their phones, and can remove swaths of underarm flab with the swipe of a fingertip).

Women have been subjected to the pressure to conform to the "perfect" body type for decades, but it is increasingly affecting men, too. A university friend of mine, who preferred not to be named, took various internet-bought diet pills along with her boyfriend, who was just as preoccupied with having a slim, toned physique as she was. They both worked at a clothes shop and were recommended them by male models who worked there.

In 2017, 24-year-old Liam Willis died in Swansea after taking diet pills containing 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP), which speeds up the metabolism to a dangerously fast level. Two years before, pills containing DNP had been blamed for the death of Eloise Parry, 21, from Shrewsbury. The dealer who sold those pills was later jailed for seven years. The same chemical also killed schoolboy rugby star Chris Mapletoft, 18, in 2013. "This was never about rugby. It was never about sport. I think it was all about the six-pack," his mother, Lesley, told the BBC after his inquest. "A parent should never have to bury their child, not over something like this."

Thankfully, Josh Hewitt, 20, from Richhill in County Armagh, stopped taking the pills he bought on eBay before they could do serious harm, but they did have a detrimental effect on his mental health, making him feel paranoid and anxious (some diet pills have been linked to psychotic episodes). They also made him put on weight. The aspiring vlogger points to the role that social networks played in his decision to use them. "There are pressures that come from online," he says. "People look for likes, and want to look the best for photos."

Hewitt had always had a weight problem and suffered low self-esteem, but never confided in anyone. "You see girls on TV saying they suffer from body confidence issues, but as a guy you bottle it in. You don't want someone to think less of you, what you're going through. It's a big issue for men."

W hat can be done to curb the market? Thousands of unlicensed pills are coming into the UK, distributed by people several steps removed from the manufacturers in Asia. Some are Britons paid to "work from home" and sign for the packages of drugs; other distributors are here illegally. Though Lee-Frost compares the crackdown to playing a game of "whack-a-mole", the MHRA has seized nearly £4m-worth of weight loss pills since April 2013. It works on the basis of referrals from GPs, test purchases, package tracing and tip-offs from Border Force and the Royal Mail. As far as pills containing DNP are concerned, the Food Standards Agency, which is responsible for policing pills that do not claim to be medicines, made only three seizures between December 2014 and August 2017, according to a freedom of information request. The FSA did not respond to the Guardian's request for comment. The pills remain easy to buy online.

When the MHRA raids premises alongside the police, the scenes it encounters can be deeply unpleasant: these pills are not being packed in spotless white labs. "There is cigarette ash everywhere, a bottle of Johnnie Walker there, half a kebab there; on the table the blister packs are all loose… They don't care," says Lee-Frost. "We turned up one morning, on an immigration raid in west London. [The immigration raid team had called the MHRA once they saw the pills.] There were six blokes living in one room with a double bed. It stank. There was one toilet and it was disgusting. I didn't want to touch it with gloves on."

If more people knew about the conditions in which these pills were being stored, they might be less likely to buy them. One thing is clear: focusing only on the side effects, even when they can kill you, isn't enough of a deterrent.

Woman sitting on wall, hedge and white statue behind her
Sue Golder: 'I could see silver dots flying around my head.' Photograph: Richard Saker/The Guardian

"I knew there were risks, but it was more important to me to be skinny at that time," my university friend tells me. "There were loads of things I have done that weren't particularly healthy, but when you're younger, any health problems seem so far away. It's only now that I actually think, 'Oh God, I have to start being healthy.' Ten years ago, this immediate thing was a lot more important to me."

She describes herself as having been "obsessive" about being thin. "If you're a young person who has an unhealthy relationship with food anyway, and you're not following normal standards of eating, there is no way you are going to get put off by pills. It was a risk I was willing to take." In other words, being thin was more important to her than anything else.

Another woman, who worked in PR for the pharmaceuticals industry and asked not to be named, shared her experience of working to promote a leading legal diet pill. "One big memory is sitting in a focus group watching 10 women discuss their experiences of a rival leading pill. All of them happily offered up the worst places they'd shat themselves – at the supermarket, at a dinner party, at work. Such was their belief it would help them lose weight, they carried on, using sanitary towels for the diarrhoea, and generally living on their nerves. They were all completely relaxed talking about it to each other, as a necessary burden of being an overweight woman."

She believes what she witnessed says a lot about the stigma of obesity. "The only conclusion I can draw is that being overweight is seen as worse than shitting yourself. In the groups, they would talk about feeling invisible, ugly, disgusting, old, 'not me' and insist on how slim they were when they were younger. This was a momentary aberration and they were postponing their happiness until they corrected it."

Almost all the diet pill users I spoke to mentioned their very low self-esteem, whether they were overweight or not (my university friend wasn't). Many felt isolated and were dealing with feelings of shame that prevented them from confiding in others. We need, the psychotherapist Susie Orbach says, to "diversify the damn aesthetic". Society's perception of physical beauty – male and female – is still so one-note. "Body positive" campaigners are working to change this, but there is still a long way to go.

"How to stop these pills being attractive?" asks Orbach. "There's the rub. It isn't one thing, it's systemic, which means we need to help parents and educators relax about food and bodies so their preoccupations don't become their children's addictions. We need to challenge the narrowness of the government's ludicrous obesity policy. We need to prosecute [slimming pill] companies for false advertising. We need to show bodies moving and active at all sizes, as the Sport England This Girl Can advert did. We need to start to question the narrow aesthetic and the notion that body is all."

Golder and Gormley eventually lost their weight healthily, thanks to Slimming World. Hewitt is eating a more balanced diet and taking his dog for more walks. The promise of a miracle transformation didn't work for them. They were lucky to stop before anything worse could happen to them, but their cases illustrate just how little consumers know about the tablets they are buying. The MHRA encourages people to use its free search function to check that suppliers are licensed. Had Golder used that, she would never have bought those pills. "It's taken me years to realise it but there is no quick fix," she says. "Nothing is worth losing your life."

Do Diet Pills Burn Existing Fats



Old Dining Chairs

Old Dining Chairs

The Best Dining Chair Sets at Any Price Point

Photo Courtesy: Maskot/Getty Images

Ready to refresh your dining room's decor? Updating your space by adding a new set of dining chairs is an easy way to reinvigorate the look of the room and help your family and guests stay more comfortable in the process.

Dining room chairs are the type of furniture that you'll use every day for years to come, so it's important to find the right ones for your needs. Not only that, but dining chairs tend to set the mood and tone of your entire dining room. When finding the best set of chairs for your space, take into consideration things like its overall style, the material it's made from, its cost and its size to be sure it'll fit into your space. Finding a set that blends all these elements ensures you'll have chairs that are ideal for your lifestyle, your wallet and your decorating sensibilities.

Now, check out this selection of chairs that prove an upgrade doesn't necessarily have to cost a fortune. We've got a variety of dining room chairs at every price point, from amazing budget finds to high-end chairs that will last you for years — and look great doing it.

Under $150: HomePop Parsons Geometric Dining Set or Burris Black Chairs

Who says a great set of dining chairs has to break the bank? Not us. If you're looking for new chairs to outfit a traditional dining room, check out these HomePop Parsons Geometric Dining Chairs. They're upholstered for added comfort, and their fabric options come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. That makes it easy to find the perfect match for your space.

Photo Courtesy: Amazon and Home Depot

If you're going for more of a traditional or minimalist look — maybe you don't prefer the solid backs of the Parsons chairs — then a pair of these Burris Black Dining Chairs offers a great way to go. Crafted from sturdy rubberwood with a glossy black finish, these sculptural, Windsor-style dining chairs go well with a variety of styles. Whether your style is more classic or mid-century modern, they add a beautiful accent that doesn't look out of place.

Under $200: Coavas Cushion Seats or Crown Ivory Linen Dining Chairs

If we may say so, a full set of four dining room chairs for less than $200 is a pretty amazing deal. And you can save big when you check out these Coavas Cushion Seats. This set of sturdy padded chairs boasts wear-proof linen upholstery and metal legs with anti-scratch pads to protect your floor. Plus, they're undeniably mid-century modern in style, so they're ideal if you're looking to explore this decorating trend.

Photo Courtesy: Amazon and Home Depot

If you only need a pair of chairs, then these Crown Ivory Linen Dining Chairs are also available at a great value. They're made with a sturdy metal frame and designed with classy tufted linen upholstery that creates an undeniably sumptuous look. They're available in several different colors, including a variety of neutral tones that make them easy to match with your existing decor.

Under $250: Bella Beige Upholstered Dining Chairs or Transparent Stacking Seats

Prefer that your dining chairs make a statement? Add a substantial dose of elegance to your table with a pair of Bella Beige Upholstered Dining Chairs. These beautiful sloped armchairs are made from a solid pine wood base with fabric upholstery, complete with round tacks for added visual interest and a bit of rustic flair. The seats are also constructed with foam for maximum comfort, and the legs feature floor glides to prevent scratching.

Photo Courtesy: Home Depot and Overstock

If you're looking for something a little more casual — and highly show-stopping — then these Transparent Stacking Seats are great backup chairs to have on hand for guests. Made from heavy-duty plastic, you can stack them for easy storage when they're not in use or use them in virtually any other room in the house. They're a nice lightweight option that couldn't be easier to clean.

Under $300: Keyhole Back Chairs or Laurelhurst Dining Armchairs

Give your dining room a touch of artistic flair with these modern, geometric Keyhole Back Dining Chairs. Available in a variety of colors, they're made from solid rubberwood frames topped with your choice of linen or faux leather upholstery. The uniquely designed padded backs make them both comfortable and an interesting focal point.

Photo Courtesy: Overstock and Raymour & Flanigan

If you'd rather go with a touch of classic Americana, take a look at the Laurelhurst Dining Armchair. This gorgeous solid red oak armchair brings an updated look to a traditional aesthetic thanks to the gently curved backs. Those curved backs also provide added comfort and support, making these chairs a beautiful addition to any traditionally decorated dining space.

Under $500: Canary Gold and White Velvet Dining Chairs or Margarite Seats

Want to go all-out opulent? Then feast your eyes on the luxurious Canary Gold and White Velvet Dining Chair. Made from gold-toned metal bases with curved backrests, this chair set is a great way to glam up your dining room. The chairs also boast velvet seats that are available in different colors, so they're sure to add some pizzazz to your dining space.

Photo Courtesy: Home Depot and Raymour & Flanigan

If you're aiming for a mid-century modern look that's been updated with some 21st-century sensibilities, this pair of Margarite Chairs is also a great choice. Featuring a low backrest, foam seat cushions and tapered metal legs, they're offered in a variety of colors to match your style. Weighing in at just 14 pounds, they're also as easy to move as they are stylish.

Over $500: Tolivere Green Velvet Dining Chairs or Brigham Seats

If you're in the mood to pull out all the stops, then it doesn't get any classier than the Tolivere Green Velvet Dining Chair. This Art Deco-style piece features tufted velvet upholstery on a sturdy steel frame. It's an easy way to instantly add a dash of timeless swag to your dining room. Despite its definite 1930s style, this chair also harmonizes well with furniture from a variety of other time periods.

Photo Courtesy: Home Depot and Raymour & Flanigan

Want to get not only a full set of dining chairs but a table as well? If so, then the Brigham Dining Set has you covered. You'll get four vintage-style chairs with faux leather bucket seats and a charming walnut table to match. This is a great choice for transforming your whole dining room without having to worry about mixing and matching pieces.

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Old Dining Chairs



Bradding Dining Table

Bradding Dining Table

I love working on home furniture and like giving tips to others.

Our old 6' x 3' table that seated six.

Our old 6' x 3' table that seated six.

 Our new 4'x8' table that seats 8–10.

Our old 6' x 3' table that seated six.

I remember we bought our 6-foot pine table when our first child was born. It seemed enormous to us! Two young people and a tiny baby, why did we buy so big?

Well, roll on another 16 years and not only are there more kids, but they are huge and their friends are huge and, quite frankly, that enormous 6-foot table became way too small!

I looked into new tables. But with three active boys, I didn't want something so fine that I'd always be fretting about glass marks, spills, and scratches. I also didn't particularly want to drop a grand or two on a piece of furniture.

But we found a solution for a beautiful new table that is so easy and inexpensive, it's just ridiculous!

Make Your Existing Table Bigger With a 4' x 8' Board

Simply overlay your existing table with a larger board that has an attractive veneer on one face—this is birch. Stain and gloss the top to match the existing legs (or stain and gloss the legs too like we did).

The entire project including stain and gloss came in under $100, plus a few hours of my time. Five years down the road, it's still serving us well. And we have not outgrown it!


Materials Needed

  • 1 4' x 8' plywood board (with veneer on one side)
  • 4 lengths of wood, each 1" x 1" x 2' long
  • 2 short pieces of wood, 4" x 1" x 1"
  • 2 2" nails
  • wood edging tape (see link below)
  • wood glue
  • wood stain and wood gloss of your choice
The unfinished 8' x 4' plywood board.

The unfinished 8' x 4' plywood board.

You'll need four struts of wood approximately 1" x 1" x 2'.

The unfinished 8' x 4' plywood board.

How to Make Your Dining Room Table Bigger With a 4' x 8' Board

Here's the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Decide on the Right Size

Choose how large you want your table to be. (Keep in mind that it must work proportionally with your existing table's legs.) The boards are sold 4' x 8', but you can ask to have it cut down if you want it smaller.

Note: You must get a board that has a veneer (such as birch) on one side.

Step 2: Glue Wood to the Underside of Your Board

Now take your four 2' lengths of wood and glue them to the underside (non-veneer side) of your board in an open rectangle so that when the board is laid on top of the table, the table will fit reasonably snugly. It doesn't have to be a tight fit, a little space OK to prevent slippage. Measure carefully because you want it set on straight. (See diagram.)

Step 3: Nail the Struts

Take the two 2" nails and nail the two 4" struts to the center of each of the two long struts running along the two longer edges of the board. (See diagram at right.) This will allow you to pivot each small strut and "lock" the board onto the table so that it cannot be tipped up accidentally. You will need to look carefully at your own table and think this through, making any adjustments necessary, as every table is different.

Step 4: Measure the Board and Apply Wood Edging Tape

Place the board on the table, veneer side up, and measure the total edge of your board. Apply the wood edging tape, following the manufacturer's directions. (This is usually a process that involves ironing on the tape in order to dissolve the pre-applied adhesive.)

Step 5: Stain and Gloss the Board

Transform your board and its new wood trim with a beautiful wood stain of your choosing. Again keep in mind the look and color of the existing table's legs. Can you stain those to match? We did! When you are happy with the color, finish it with two coats of polyurethane, gloss, or semi-gloss, again your choice of finish. (You can also buy stain and gloss all-in-one to save time.)

Struts hold the board in place on the old table (viewed from below).

Struts hold the board in place on the old table (viewed from below).

A small 4" piece of wood pivots to "lock" the board onto the old table.

Struts hold the board in place on the old table (viewed from below).

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

poowool5 (author) from here in my house on May 02, 2012:

Thanks for the comments, everybody!

Good point, Marcy (that I probably should have made myself!) that this larger tabletop can be added and taken away as needed. Always good to have that option for larger groups.

Read More From Dengarden

ANd yes, Cyndi10, the ever-shrinking desk (like my ever-shrinking jeans...), I'm sure it would work well for this too.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing, janikon and summerberrie!

summerberrie on May 02, 2012:

poowool5, this is such a great hub for how to expand your table. I really enjoyed reading it and the do it yourself pictures were perfect!

janikon on May 02, 2012:

Very clever and inexpensive idea. Voted up and shared.

Cynthia B Turner from Georgia on May 02, 2012:

Clever, Clever idea. You took a lot of time with those instructions, too. Maybe something similar would work on my desk which seems to be shrinking! Good hub.

Marcy Goodfleisch from Planet Earth on May 02, 2012:

I cracked up at your "Doesn't that apron make me look fat?" comment!

Seriously - I love this hub! I've been trying to figure a way to 'expand' my petite dining table that's bigger on looks than on function. I hadn't thought of adding the underside braces to make a false top more stable. I would probably use it now and then (rather than all the time), but I sure do need it when I need it.

Voted up, useful, awesome and interesting! And shared!

poowool5 (author) from here in my house on April 28, 2012:

Whoops, sorry to be late getting back to your question, PJ. I bought the plywood from our local old-fashioned lumber store, the kind with a lumberyard out back. I am surprised Lowes didn't sell these. Perhaps try calling a few places to ask in advance so you don't have wasted trips. Hope you can locate it. What I smugly enjoy most is the comments of my friends with expensive tastes as they admire it, not realizing it didn't cost me an arm and a leg!

PJ on April 18, 2012:

Great idea! This is JUST what I was looking for. Thanks so much for sharing! One question - where did you buy your plywood board? I checked my local home improvement store (Lowe's) but didn't come across any with a veneer on one side. Thanks again for sharing your wonderful idea!

poowool5 (author) from here in my house on March 31, 2012:

Thanks for the comment, Robie. You know, for little money, it really can give a table a new lease of life. I didn't think we would keep it for so long, but it still looks good after years of daily use, so you know, if it ain't broke...

Today we dyed Easter eggs right on the table, no protective newspaper etc...guess not much gets through a couple coats of polyurethane, because it didn't affect the table at all. And that's what I need with three boys...ROBUST furniture ;)

Thanks for the comment!

Robie Benve from Ohio on March 31, 2012:

Great idea! I have an old table that on top of being small, has some water damage, we keep it in the (non-used) dining room for the kid's homework, and this plywood board treatment may be just what it needs. Thanks for sharing, and I love the pictures, very helpful! Ciao

poowool5 (author) from here in my house on March 12, 2012:

Thanks Steph and Jennifer. I thought either it would wear down or I'd tire of it by now, but not so (pic above is current, ie. 5 years after making it)!

jenniferg78 from Philadelphia, PA on March 12, 2012:

This is a great idea and the picture illustration are really helpful. +useful

Stephanie Marshall from Bend, Oregon on March 11, 2012:

Great idea and totally rated up! I have 4 kids and it seems like the table is never big enough. Then, if any of my friends come over with their kids... ugh! Nice tips and easy to do. Rated up - Steph

poowool5 (author) from here in my house on March 11, 2012:

Thanks Lizam1. The board is only 3/4" thick, so, yes, the table would be higher, but only by 3/4". Not really noticeable.

Lizam1 on March 10, 2012:

Nice idea - one question does laying the board on top make the table an odd height?

poowool5 (author) from here in my house on March 10, 2012:

Thanks for commenting, Liz! Sometimes it's the simple things that have the biggest impact!

lizlauder from Western New York on March 10, 2012:

This is such a great idea! And it looks beautiful.

poowool5 (author) from here in my house on March 10, 2012:

Thanks cloverleaffarm, anything to save a few bucks, right? Actually, I find it hugely satisfying to pull off a DIY job like this. A little domestic pride :)

Healing Herbalist from The Hamlet of Effingham on March 10, 2012:

Great job on both the hub, and the table. Voted up and useful!

Bradding Dining Table



Feng Shui Living Room Dining Room Combo

Feng Shui Living Room Dining Room Combo

Before reading what is the Feng Shui Rules For Living Room, please have a small introduction to Feng Shui. The definition for the Chinese words of Feng Shui is "wind" and "water".

And the living room is a hub for external communication, always keep clean and tidy at all times, avoiding the accumulation of garbage and debris.

Decoration professionals believe that this can be condensed. The family's centripetal force and enhance personal wealth. Let's explore everything about feng shui living room aspects.

Like | Share | Subscribe to FengShuiTricks YouTube channel to get more tips & tricks on Feng Shui.

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is the Feng Shui Rules For Living Room?
  • 2 Living Room Dining Room Combo in Feng Shui?
  • 3 Top 20 Feng Shui Living Room Dining Room Combo Rules
  • 4 Best Feng Shui Living Room Color Choices
    • 4.1 1. East facing living room-yellow should be the main color
    • 4.2 2. South-facing living room-White should be the main color
    • 4.3 3. Western living room-green should be the main color
    • 4.4 4. North facing living room-Red should be the main color
  • 5 Feng Shui Living Room Lamp Installation Rules
  • 6 Top Living Room Furniture Rules In Feng shui
    • 6.1 shoe cabinet in living room
    • 6.2 Living room shelves designed
  • 7 Feng Shui Living Room Layout and Design Rules
  • 8 feng shui small living room layout ?
  • 9 So what Feng Shui Experts advice on Living Room ?
    • 9.1 1. feng shui paintings for living room
    • 9.2 2. Wall clocks in living room
    • 9.3 3. living room plants
    • 9.4 4. living room behind the Bedroom
    • 9.5 5. Living room strange lights
    • 9.6 6. feng shui living room colors
  • 10 Feng Shui Living Room [Environment, Landscape, And Modern Aspects]
  • 11 Top Feng Shui Living Room Decoration Rules
    • 11.1 1. Fish Tanks On The Table
    • 11.2 2. Gold Ingots On The Table
    • 11.3 3. Crystal On The Table
    • 11.4 4. Taboos Placed Against The Door
    • 11.5 5. Taboo Facing The Bathroom
  • 12 Exclusive 14 Feng Shui Living Room Mirror Placement Tips
    • 12.1 1. The Feng Shui Mirror Facing The Living Room's Main Door
    • 12.2 2. Living Room Mirror Facing The Toilet Door
    • 12.3 3. Living Room Mirror Facing The God
    • 12.4 4. Living Room Mirror Facing The Door Of The Master Bedroom
    • 12.5 5. Living Room Mirror Facing The Bed
    • 12.6 6. Living Room Mirror Facing The Kitchen
    • 12.7 7. It is forbidden to have a mirror in front of the door of the neighbor's house.
    • 12.8 8. Living Room Mirror Facing On The Financial Position
    • 12.9 9. Living Room Mirror Facing The Study Table
    • 12.10 10. Living Room Mirror Should Not Be Directed At The Home Party.
    • 12.11 11. The living Room Mirror Should Not Be Placed Behind The Sofa.
    • 12.12 12. Do Not Place Too Many Mirrors At An Angle.
    • 12.13 13. The Mirrors We Must Not Keep In The Living Room
    • 12.14 14. Two Mirrors Should Not Face Each Other
  • 13 Feng Shui Living Room With Fireplace Placement
  • 14 Feng Shui Small Apartment Living Room
  • 15 Feng Shui Living Room Plants Idea
    • 15.1 Where is the lucky tree?
    • 15.2 The plants on the table cannot be too large
  • 16 Feng Shui Living Room Do's And Don'ts
  • 17 Feng shui living room directions
  • 18 common qusesions on how to feng shui living room for luck and prosperity
    • 18.1 Q: sofa position feng shui tips?
    • 18.2 Q: Where should a TV be placed in a living room feng shui?
    • 18.3 Q: What is the Best feng shui sofa colour?
  • 19 Conclusion

What is the Feng Shui Rules For Living Room?

When either of these two elements does not flow harmonically, life is in imbalance. Feng Shui is the study of the movement of energy and how it influences and affects all aspects of our life. So now we will discuss Feng Shui Living Room 2022 Guide in detail.

Understand the forces of nature and interact with them harmoniously. Through the five elements of nature, colors, shapes, and feng shui decorating elements can make our lives improve significantly.

The ancients, observing nature, discovered the games, their laws, their rhythms and how to participate in them without undermining their own freedom.

Using common sense and arise from the observation of nature itself. The environment affects the way we have to survive.

Therefore it is important to carefully select the location of the house, its orientation and that of the objects that surround us in our house or workplace.

Feng Shui Rules For Living Room
Feng Shui Rules For Living Room
  • A clean and tidy living room will naturally bring people a good mood and truly achieve the effect of relaxing the mind and body, and the living room as a hub for external communication, keep clean and tidy at any time to avoid the accumulation of garbage and debris.
  • The living room is not only a place to receive people but also an important place for family activities. Its status in the entire house is like the heart of a person.
  • The quality of the Feng Shui in the Living room affects the family's wealth, work and health, so it needs to be very Pay attention. Here we take a look at the Fengshui little knowledge about the decoration of the living room for your reference.
  • The Feng Shui Living room 2022 location is best where we can see the front door.
  • According to Feng Shui knowledge, if you need to go to the living room through the bedroom or kitchen after entering the door, it will make the interior and exterior of the residence unclear.
  • Which will lead to a lack of privacy in life and easily lead to derailment or leakage of work or business? Therefore remind the owner that the Feng Shui Living room 22022 20 should be visible as soon as you enter the door.
  • In addition, you need to pay attention to the bulb, a fluorescent lamp to check if they are not broken. You must quickly update to avoid inconvenience to life.

Living Room Dining Room Combo in Feng Shui?

In feng shui, the dining/living rooms have a high degree of importance and that is because it is "the room". Where families are supposed to "dine" and spend a moment of true quality together.

Feng Shui Rules For Living Room-Living Room Guide Combo Tips
Feng Shui Rules For Living Room- Combo set with dining and living room

I said that "I was supposed to do it " because in most houses the dining/living rooms.

And living rooms are rarely used (to eat). And tend to become "warehouses" for all kinds of things that cannot be found elsewhere in the house.

Here is a list of some, really few, items that are generally thrown into dining/living rooms and living rooms.

  • Tv set
  • Children's toys
  • Old cabinets
  • Feng shui couch
  • Rarely used travel bags
  • Laundry clothes

And the list goes on and on, hence you should learn how to feng shui living room dining room combo together.

However, you must understand that accumulating all these elements, which do not really belong to the living and dining/living room, has a very negative effect on the feng shui of the dining/living room.

In fact, I can go ahead and boldly affirm that piling up the mess in any area of a house or Feng Shui Living Room office is destined to deteriorate. The feng shui for that area because they restrict the free flow of Qi energy in the house.

Having said that, I don't want to say that you can't have toys for children or clothes to do laundry at home, what I'm trying to say is that you just keep them in proper places and don't let them fill your house.

Now, I know you want to learn, and really understand, tips for the feng shui living room 2022 and dining/living room combo, so, without delay, let's jump to those immediately.

  • fengShui Livingroom 1
  • Feng Shui Livingroom 1
  • FengShui Livingroom 1
Feng Shui Rules For House, Living Room

Top 20 Feng Shui Living Room Dining Room Combo Rules

The Feng Shui dining/living room and we build living room combo to make your home's dining/living room compatible with feng shui

  1. Make sure the dining/living room is cozy, comfortable, which arouses hunger and calm.
  2. Maintain the feng shui living room colors 2022 balance for the feng shui dining. Don't make it too bright or too boring.
  3. The dining/living room should be well ventilated and should receive plenty of sunlight.
  4. Hang a mirror in the feng shui dining/living room to reflect the dining/living room table. This will bring more prosperity. Follow the feng shui mirror placement guidelines mentioned in the location of the Feng Shui mirror when placing a feng shui living room mirror anywhere in your home.
  5. You can provide a sink north or east of the dining area.
  6. Keep the dining/living room as close as possible to the kitchen.
  7. Have a kitchen and dining/living room on the same floor.
  8. If your kitchen is really large, use a kitchen area as a dining area.
  9. If your dining/living room is part of the living room (a common case today), place curtains or potted plants as a demarcation line.
  10. Choose a square / rectangular or oval/circular dining table.
  11. Make sure the feng shui dining table is made of high-quality wood.
  12. The dining table should be large enough to provide space for everyone.
  13. Keep the number of chairs even.
  14. Maintain the readiness to sit so that no one is facing away from a door or window, as it causes a feeling of insecurity.
  15. The orientation is good for the head of the family. Other members may face north, east or west while dining.
  16. Be courteous and kind to family members while eating (this, in no way, means you can yell at them elsewhere). Be kind and courteous always.
  17. Stay relaxed, calm, happy and stress-free while eating. In fact, always be this way.
  18. Always have something on the dining/living room table. you can keep fruits in it. Apples help develop friendship, pears are good for attracting positive energy, peaches help good health, and oranges symbolize wealth and prosperity.
  19. If fruits are not your choice, then you can store flowers on the dining/living room table. Just make sure you don't use dried flowers, they imply deterioration.
  20. Be sure to have meals with your family every day. However, if that is not possible, at least eat together once a week.

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Best Feng Shui Living Room Color Choices

The living room feng shui has always been paid more attention to by everyone. The living room feng shui directly affects people's career, marriage, wealth and health, etc., and is the most important part of chinese home decorations feng shui.

The application of color in Feng Shui is mainly reflected in interior design, for example, the relationship between the main color of the living room and Feng Shui, and different colors of the living room will have different fortunes.

The following introduces the feng shui living room colors 2022 configuration in the decoration of the living room, hoping to bring you more luck.

Feng Shui Living Room Colors Idea

Here is a compilation idea for choosing your feng shui colors for the new year 2022. There are four-position living room color configuration

1. East facing living room-yellow should be the main color

To the east, the five elements belong to wood, which is the place where Qi is strong. According to the theory of the Five Elements, grams of soil are rich. This is both the wealth of soil and wood, and yellow is the representative color of "earth."

When using paint, wallpaper, sofa, you should choose the yellow color series, both shades, as long as you use this color, you can get good results.

2. South-facing living room-White should be the main color

South to the Five Elements is fire, which is the place where fire and gas flourish. According to the theory of the Five Elements, grams of fire make money.

So if you want to make money for the south living room, the paint, wallpaper, and sofa you choose should be white. Because white is the representative color of "gold".

Although the south window is relatively cool due to the blowing of the south wind, the south is always a hot place. If it is arranged in a cold color such as white, it can effectively reduce the hot fire.

3. Western living room-green should be the main color

The five elements of the West belong to gold, which is a place where gold gas is flourishing, and Jin Kemu is wealth. The effect of wealth.

And the west-facing living room is very strong in the afternoon sunlight, which is not only very hot, but also dazzling, so it is very suitable to use lighter green that can protect your eyes and eyes.

4. North facing living room-Red should be the main color

The five elements of the north belong to the water, which is a place where water and gas are prosperous, and water is a good way to save money.

Therefore, if you want to make money from the north living room, you should choose red, purple, and pink like fire Wallpapers, sofas, and area rugs are all three colors.

From a physiological point of view, the north winds in winter and the living room to the north is relatively cold.

So it is not appropriate to use cold colors such as blue, gray, and white. If you use fire-like red and purple, you can add a warm feeling.

Feng Shui Living Room Lamp Installation Rules

  1. Many homes install a pair of wall lamps or a pair of table lamps at the bedside. However, this arrangement represents Erhesha.
  2. Which is not good for health. The solution is to use a row of lights to illuminate, but the number of lights cannot be two, three, or five.
  3. The doors of some houses are in the corridor, and when you open the door, you see the wall. This layout is not only detrimental to the flow of air, but people living in the house are often in a depressed state.
  4. The solution is to install a feng shui living room mirror on the wall facing the door to ease the cramp. You can also hang photos or posters of natural landscapes here to symbolically enhance the sense of space.
  5. A porch is a place that must be passed in and out of the house. For convenience, there is usually some furniture for storage. Such as shoe cabinets, wall cabinets, weather cabinets, lockers, etc.
  6. However, there should not be too much furniture here. It is better to make full use of the space and effectively and neatly accommodate enough furniture in a limited space.
  7. Furniture design should focus on coordination with other furniture styles in the home, in order to achieve mutual effects.
  8. Feng Shui emphasizes the flow of airflow. If the smell of shoes in the shoe cabinet is emitted, it will inevitably spread the turbid air to the room.

Top Living Room Furniture Rules In Feng shui

Feng Shui professionals also suggested that when designing home furnishings, you must infer the theme color, decoration style, furniture placement, etc. of the home furnishings according to the numerology of the owner.

You must choose a good day for the decoration start-up and the day of moving. Be careful not to touch some of its Feng Shui taboos.

shoe cabinet in living room

Therefore, when designing the shoe cabinet, efforts should be made to reduce odour. In addition, the shoes must be cleaned before they can be put in the shoe cabinet, and the shoe cabinet must be cleaned regularly.

The shoe cabinet cannot be completely airtight, and the proper amount of ventilation is not only conducive to maintaining the hygiene inside the shoe cabinet, but also avoiding the harmful gas from being washed away.

Living room shelves designed

The shelves designed in some shoe cabinets are inclined downwards. When in use, the toe should be pointed upwards in order to take steps to increase height. If the toe is pointed down, it means that family luck may go downhill.

  • Sharp things are taboo in Feng Shui, called poison arrows. If a sharp table corner is waiting for the door, it will be a piercing heartbreaker, which is not good for people's health and wealth.
  • If the corner of the table faces the door, it is not good for the family. Also If the corner of the table faces the bedroom, it is not good for the people living in the bedroom.
  • The solution is to change the sharp corner of the table into an arc or cover it with a screen. If this is not possible, at least a pot of plants should be placed in the corner of the table to alleviate its evil spirits.
What should I do if I encounter some "naturally irregular" rooms? How can this situation be resolved? Feng Shui professionals suggest that you can purchase          large wardrobes          and          bookcases          and place them into          regular spaces          and          rectangular shapes          Or          square, it can well alleviate the obscureness brought by its "strange shape."        

Feng Shui Living Room Layout and Design Rules

The buildings are usually divided into palace buildings, government buildings, public buildings, home buildings, religious buildings, garden buildings, bridge buildings.

Various buildings have their specific Fengshui operation requirements. In addition to the individual requirements of various buildings, there are some common main rules.

  • First– the integration of heaven, earth, and people.
  • Second– the balance of yin and yang.
  • Third– the five elements live together.

History has regarded time as the sky, environmental space as the land, and the year, month, day, and hour of birth of a person as a person.

Through a complicated operation, the three are reasonably combined. As auspicious, the three are handled properly as good, otherwise, they are fierce;

Twenty-two things in the world can be divided into yin and yang, with mountains as yin and water as yang, lower as yin and yang, right as yin and left as yang, windows as yin and yang, and rooms as yin hall as yang.

feng shui small living room layout ?

In the feng shui small living room layout of architectural feng shui, it is necessary to grasp the balance between yin and yang as auspicious and imbalance as evil;

The third and fifth elements are the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and soil. Jinsheng water, aquatic wood, wood fire, fire, soil, gold.

In architecture, the shapes, structures, and layouts are based on the principles of inexorably living in harmony and violating each other, and the building feng shui small living room layout conforms to the auspicious configuration.

  1. In the study of feng shui science, scholars believe that ultrafine ions in nature (such as plasma generators sold in previous years).
  2. And magnetic fields have a significant positive and negative impact on the human body and that any substance in the natural world will have an effect on the human body.
  3. Ultra-micro ions and magnetic fields, these energies also change with the environment, and also with the change of the body's own field information. This information energy can make us feel happy, think agilely, and live long and healthy.
  4. It can also make people think dull, nervousness (ghost bump), sickness and short life! Feng Shui is based on the foundation and residential feng shui small living room layout.
  5. Some information symbols to meet the psychological requirements of people to avoid evil! Throughout human life, the human body constantly exchanges material energy and information with the outside world.
  6. And the reflection of changes in natural electromagnetic waves is bound to be accompanied by some physical and chemical phenomena (some scholars have successfully tested humans, animals, and plants with instruments).
  7. A series of physiological and biochemical phenomena occur under the influence of the human body, providing a basis for the function of Feng Shui!

So what Feng Shui Experts advice on Living Room ?

Feng Shui requires the living room to be clean, bright, and airflow clear, indicating that the temperament is peaceful, avoid dark, otherwise the family is not prosperous. For general visual reasons, the window is bright, clean and fresh are the most basic requirements.

The living room is an important space for meeting guests and friends, so the decoration design and feng shui small living room layout should also fit the Feng Shui.

The living room should be bright, have good daylight, good air circulation, and most importantly, be able to be exposed to sunlight. The most taboo dim, damp living room will not only affect your health but also affect your work and mood.

If the hall of the residence is dark, you can add wall hangings or pictures to make up for the defects, such as peony or sunflower, you can collect masculinity. In addition, the hanging pictures should be bright and content, to avoid lonely things.

1. feng shui paintings for living room

If there are landscape paintings hanging in the hall, you must watch the water flow into the house, not out. Because the owner of the mountain manages the wealth, the water flows inward to enter the treasure, and the water outflow is lost.

The boat painting should make the bow of the boat look inside, and don't go out of the house, damage the fortune to those who go out, and get money and treasure for those who come in.

2. Wall clocks in living room

Wall clocks in some halls and rooms are necessary because wall clocks in these places have four functions: one is to recruit wealth and the other is to avoid evil spirits; the third is to help the owner's fortune and the fourth is to count the time.

However, if you do not know how to hang the clock, you will not be able to hang it in the wrong place. The front of the clock cannot face inward. It should be oriented toward the door or balcony.

3. living room plants

The green plants in the room should be placed. Rich bamboo and rich trees can be placed in the hall, which symbolizes vitality and oxygen production, which is beneficial to the living room.

It is not necessary to force the flowers of the four seasons, but they must be evergreen and evergreen. If it is withered, it needs to be changed frequently to make the living room more vibrant.

4. living room behind the Bedroom

  • Feng Shui theory first saw the bedroom when entering the door, the living room is behind the bedroom.
  • The average family pays more attention to the privacy of the bedroom (the bedroom uses some steel, iron products, marble floor mirrors, and windows are taboo in Feng Shui). Be sure to point it directly into bed.
  • In the decoration and design of the bedroom, do not choose which weird lightings or light accessories that emit weird lighting effects.
  • In the entire home, the lights must be soft and bright, so that this home will give people a vibrant scene.

5. Living room strange lights

  • With strange lights, the entire home space will look dark, lifeless, and fortune will be down. There should be some decorations in the home to make the home more lively, such as green plants or pot plants.
  • You can also hang crystal chandeliers in the living room to brighten the space and add a great decor element.
  • I don't plan to place spiked or needle-like plants like cacti. Because sharp objects are not suitable for appearing in the home, this is "fierce" in Feng Shui science.

6. feng shui living room colors

  • White, yellow, blue, and green are preferred. Wood colors are also acceptable. Avoid black and less gray.
  • The color of the ceiling should not be light or heavy, because the ancient heaven and earth were only chaotic at the beginning of the opening, and then they were divided into two kinds of air.
  • The ceiling of the living room symbolizes "sky", and of course the color is light and clear. The so-called Qingqing refers to the lighter and lighter colors; generally speaking.
  • It is mainly white, light yellow and light blue, which symbolizes the blue sky and white, which means white clouds. The color of the floor should be slightly darker in order to meet the meaning of lightness and weight.

Feng Shui Living Room [Environment, Landscape, And Modern Aspects]

When you come to the Forbidden City in Beijing. The gardens of Suzhou and Hangzhou will draw columns for their carved beams. It is golden and glorious and leisurely. When we encounter no grass, we will avoid it.

Mountains and clear water show, sheltering from the wind and sun, will make people look happy; flowing water, grass, and trees will make people nostalgic; Yingge Yanwu, birds and flowers will make people feel refreshed

There are the physical, physiological and psychological effects of the environmental landscape on human beings. All of this will make our thinking clearer and more agile, and the inspiration will be particularly active.

The mission of modern geomantic science is to graft the simple truths in traditional geomantic water to modern environmental landscape logo, to better serve humanity.

Top Feng Shui Living Room Decoration Rules

Feng Shui has been around for a long time, and now more and more people believe in Feng Shui. They will pay attention to Feng Shui both in decoration and display. Desks are often used in our lives.

Whether it is the study of Feng Shui Living Room office, there is a lot of feng shui on the desks, such as the door can not be placed and not placed under the beam, etc., see below Put some fortune on the desk.

1. Fish Tanks On The Table

Whether the fish tank is placed in the Feng Shui Living Room office or at home can not only play a decorative role but also play a role in wealth, but you need to be careful not to put the fish tank in the financial position, otherwise, it will not play an effect.

In addition to this Placing, the fish tank outside on the desk can also be a good way to rent money but don't put too large a fish tank, you can put a smaller one.

2. Gold Ingots On The Table

Gold ingot itself represents money, so it has a good wealth-seeking effect. It can be placed on the financial position of the home or Feng Shui Living Room office,

And placed on the window or window sill can also attract outside wealth. Putting it on the desk outside can also play a role in making money.

3. Crystal On The Table

When it comes to crystal, many people, especially girls, the first reaction is pink crystal fortune.

Crystals are of two types natural crystals and artificial crystals. In addition to pink, crystals also have a strong chemical effect, of which natural crystals are more effective Well, putting them on your desk can make a difference.

4. Taboos Placed Against The Door

Generally speaking, the desk will not be placed facing the door except the front desk, but individual cases are not ruled out.

However, according to feng shui, this arrangement is not suitable for the desk in the office or at home. Beside the door, especially the office door.

There are often people coming and going to the door and external sounds. If the desk is facing the door, you will be affected by the people at the door or the sound.

There is no way to concentrate on your work. This will naturally affect your own career and career Impact on financial fortune will also decline.

5. Taboo Facing The Bathroom

A bathroom is a place where the sewage is drained daily, so it is full of dirt and gloom. If the desk is placed facing the toilet.

It is conceivable that people who are invaded by the gloom will feel uncomfortable, and naturally, they cannot concentrate on work. As a result, his career is blocked, and even serious, it will be lost.

Except that the placement of desks in the bathroom will affect business operations, in Feng Shui, neither the office table nor the study office table should be placed under a beam.

This is taboo in Feng Shui. It will cause employees to suffer in the long run. Feeling oppressed, you can feel inexplicably irritable if you can't concentrate at work.

Exclusive 14 Feng Shui Living Room Mirror Placement Tips

Mirrors are an indispensable household item in life. Mirrors allow you to organize your grooming in time and be more confident in front of others.

But mirrors are not placed casually. From the perspective of feng shui science, the placement of mirrors is very Great learning, from the perspective of Feng Shui numerology, the following Feng Shui analysis in placing your living room feng shui mirror.

1. The Feng Shui Mirror Facing The Living Room's Main Door

Do not put a mirror in general. The mirror plays a role of reflection and will block fortune. If you reflect on the good fortune, it will cause the business to suffer setbacks or financial losses.

2. Living Room Mirror Facing The Toilet Door

  • The toilet is a very private place. If the mirror is facing the toilet door, it will make it easy for others to see the toilet items and people's every move in the toilet, which makes people feel awkward and indecent.
  • At the same time, their privacy will be exposed. It is very difficult, so the mirror avoids the door facing the toilet.
  • Related reading: [Will you find a small third in the wrong mirror setting], [Feng Shui taboos in home mirrors], [Can restaurants be equipped with mirrors].

3. Living Room Mirror Facing The God

Putting a mirror directly in front of the gods is a disrespect for the gods. The gods not only can't show the spirits, but they can have the opposite effect. The mirrors are rushed to the gods, which is very bad. God.

4. Living Room Mirror Facing The Door Of The Master Bedroom

The door of the master bedroom is as critical as the main door of the entire house. It plays a very important role. The master bedroom is where the master rests and spends half of his time in the bedroom.

Therefore, the mirror must not face the door of the master bedroom to avoid attracting people. Bad luck.

5. Living Room Mirror Facing The Bed

If the mirror is facing the bed, the owner wakes up from his sleep, and his consciousness is still in a vague state, and it is easy to be scared by his own shadow in the mirror. At the same time, the mirror plays the role of reflection.

The mirror will reflect the good luck of the host to the host. Therefore, the mirror should not face the bed directly. The mirror taboo on the ceiling

The mirror is embedded in the ceiling. The people below will consume gas and money, which is bad for health. It is best not to embed the mirror on the ceiling of the living room, because it will affect the fortunes of the people below, and it will also make the people below feel It's unnatural.

6. Living Room Mirror Facing The Kitchen

A kitchen is a place where "fire" is prosperous. If the mirror is placed in the kitchen, all the fire inside and outside the mirror will make the kitchen fire more prosperous, and it is prone to fire or other accidents that make people angry.

7. It is forbidden to have a mirror in front of the door of the neighbor's house.

Many people put a mirror-like item on the door of their home, which will affect the fortune of the neighbour's house.

If they put a mirror on the door of their neighbour's house facing their own door, it will be bad for their own house.

Therefore, it is recommended that you do not put mirrors on the door of your own house, and do not put mirrors on each other.

8. Living Room Mirror Facing On The Financial Position

The wealth of the family is closely related to the wealth of the family. The mirror has a reflective effect on the source of wealth. Do not put the mirror on the wealth.

Instead, put some lucky mascots on the wealth, so that it is more conducive to the wealth of the family.

9. Living Room Mirror Facing The Study Table

For some students, putting a mirror directly across the study table will distract them from studying. They will think more about their image, think less about the study, take longer, and their academic performance declines.

10. Living Room Mirror Should Not Be Directed At The Home Party.

The mirror is not good for the home side. Master Jide once gave many examples to help friends find out why they can't face the side because the mirror is too reflective.

It is likely to treat the bad side. Reflected, making the family more obscure, sullen and unable to regenerate.

11. The living Room Mirror Should Not Be Placed Behind The Sofa.

The mirror we should not keep behind the sofa. People habitually sit on the soft without paying attention to the strength of the back of their heads.

As a result, they overtalk with friends, accidentally touch them, or affect the chat with friends. The atmosphere, friends who talk about business at home will affect the progress of work, and friends who talk about emotions at home will make the relationship more rigid.

12. Do Not Place Too Many Mirrors At An Angle.

Too many mirrors are the worst to slant. Too many mirrors in your home can look gloomy, scary, and cold. Long-lived houses are bad for your health, so it should not be too much. The mirror must be flat with the wall to make the home better and better.

13. The Mirrors We Must Not Keep In The Living Room

Mirrors in the living room distract. Will seriously affect the relationship of the entire family members.

In a life that is neither hot nor cold with the family, the relationship will become more and more distant over time, which is not conducive to family happiness.

14. Two Mirrors Should Not Face Each Other

We can't hang two Mirrors in front of each other. This will affect the gas field of the entire family and easily lead to disturbance of family energy.

The above is just a brief description of the various taboos of the lower mirror in the living room home. It is enough to see that the relationship between the mirror and Feng Shui is very different.

Therefore, we must pay special attention to the placement of the small mirror and the large mirror

Feng Shui Living Room With Fireplace Placement

Find below how to arrange a living room with a corner fireplace.

  • InFeng Shui, afireplace plays an important role in boosting relationships.
  • Placing a fireplace in the northeast corner of a living room signifies calm thinking and health education.
  • Whereas afireplace placed in the south boosts romance and love.
  • If you can't afford a traditional fireplace, then try adding an electricfireplace for a similar effect.
  • Adding a collection of candles is a good substitute for a fireplace

Feng Shui Small Apartment Living Room

There are no other rules for Feng Shui's tiny apartment, it's the same as normal rules for any living room in the house. If you want to know other aspects of Tiny or small apartment related to Feng Shui then follow the guide on How To Feng Shui Your Tiny Apartment – Quick Tips

Feng Shui Living Room Plants Idea

Feng Shui has been around for a long time, and now more and more people believe in Feng Shui. Plants are a lot of people like to place at home, whether it is at home or in a company or a store.

Trees are the most popular. If you place the lucky tree in the right place, you can bring good fortune. So where does the lucky tree bring good fortune? According to Feng Shui, put it in a large place.

The location near the living room door is good for good luck, and it's okay to put it in your fortune. Let's take a look at the plants in the living room that need attention.

Where is the lucky tree?

The financial level generally has a bright financial position and a dark financial position. No matter which one we use, it can improve our financial fortune.

Some people will put lucky or lucky plants in the financial position and hope to make better use of them. If the plant is heavy, placed in the financial position can not play both functions.

The plants on the table cannot be too large

In addition to placing plants at the door and in every corner of the living room, the living room will also place plants on the table. If you place plants on the table, it should not be too large.

It is better to place some smaller plants. It affects our sight when we want to recline and watch the t.v. If the plant is too large, it will affect our work efficiency.

Feng Shui Rules For Living Room
Feng Shui Rules For Living Room

Feng Shui Living Room Do's And Don'ts

  1. The living room is a place to relax and welcome our, guests. Note that there should be no beams above the area. The beams means that the work is stressful, mentally debilitating, and it is easy to cause a nervous breakdown or fatigue. Without it, it means they lack valuable help, often mistakes in work, and serious crimes.
  2. White always reveals purity and elegance, and white crystal is a kind of accessory that is conducive to the health of a career. It has a successful career and good health.
  3. It is the perfect life state that white collars are pursuing today. Position, corresponding to the human body means the middle of the top of the head.
  4. It can expel the sickness and obscurity in the body from the soles of the feet, make people clear and refreshed, and it is very helpful for career and health.
  5. If you want to further increase this aspect Fortune, you can put a large white crystal column in the male owner's Feng Shui Living Room office. Good luck will make you feel so bad.
  6. Many people are very taboo when it comes to yellow. Maybe in some cases, yellow has some bad moral meanings, but everything has to look at the essence through the phenomenon. Just like when you buy crystal products.
  7. You will hear that yellow crystals can make a fortune. Where yellow is a symbol of wealth.
  8. And the west of the room we call the direction of leading business and wealth. If you put yellow furniture ornaments, you can bring prosperity, and you will wait for your other half to fly. "Yellow" Tenda.
  9. Red is a vibrant color. You know that red can also spur prosperity. Placing some red furniture and decorations in the east of the room, such as mahogany pendants and red ornaments, can make your other half full of energy. , Conducive to career development.
  10. If your other half is a SOHO, in which room is it better to work? The north-facing room is more conducive to freelancers, the north-western room is more conducive to management positions.
  11. The north-eastern room is more conducive to service personnel, and the east-side room is It is more beneficial to those who are constantly exploring new markets.
  12. People in the southeast room are easy to get outside help, and the south room is easy to get inspiration. It is an excellent choice for artists. What are you waiting for?

You may like following Feng Shui Tips and Guides.

Feng shui living room directions

In this living room guide, the orientation of Feng Shui is different.

For example, the north position represents career development and belongs to the waterline. The preferred color is blue or black.

The right south position represents fame, and the arrangement of feng shui in the south position will bring fame and affirmation to the family.

The Orient position stands for health, and placing lush plants in the Feng Shui area of ​​the living room can promote and guide the health and longevity of the family.

The northwest orientation represents your luck, and strengthening the energy of the northwest orientation of the living room will help increase your luck and relationships.

Northeast orientation represents Wen Changyun. If there is a child about to take the exam, it is best to pay attention to the feng shui layout of the living room in this orientation.

There is a peach blossom in the feng shui living room southwest direction. Placing a chandelier-style table lamp here can increase energy and promote harmonious couple relations. Natural crystals and family photos also have the same effect.

common qusesions on how to feng shui living room for luck and prosperity

Q: sofa position feng shui tips?

Sofa must be placed to the center of the living room. This is the focal point for circulating vital energies.

Q: Where should a TV be placed in a living room feng shui?

As per feng shui TV should be placed in southeast corner of the living room. Also try to place tv in corner of living room design.Avoid directions like north east or the south west for TV, as this can be harmful.

Q: What is the Best feng shui sofa colour?

Below are the recomended colors for the sofa in living room based on elements.
Blues and greens: wood element, good for healing.
Browns, Cream, yellows: earth element.
Snow Whites: metal element.


Feng Shui in the living room importance is beyond the imagination of an ordinary person. It is so effective and paramount.

The living room has multiple functions and is a very important place for family activities. In the home feng shui, the feng shui in the living room is also a key concern. The quality of the feng shui in the living room will directly affect the luck of the whole family.

Feng Shui in the living room orientation will affect the overall home Feng Shui. In Feng Shui, the home has Six parts.

  1. First, the position of the front door of the living room we call a "Suzaku bit".
  2. The rear of the house we call "Xuanwu bit" in Feng shui. It has the words "mainly breaking money, robbery and right, and wrong."
  3. Therefore, it is not good to place the living room in the "basalt position". Which will destroy the feng shui of the living room.
  4. The location on the left side of the house we call the blue dragon position. It is good that people place the living room in the "blue dragon position".
  5. The "white tiger position" is on the right side of the house. If the living room is in this area, then it is prone to blood disaster.
  6. The "hook position" is located in the middle of the house. Usually, it is most reasonable for the living room to be at the center of the house. Because there is a kind of potential energy that gathers everything together.

Of course, this article will effectively direct you on errors people usually make in feng shui in the living room.

And of course, this article will guide you a lot in building your feng shui living room, hence, enjoy the best out of life!.

Feng Shui Living Room Dining Room Combo

